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Admissions Information
We offer a 6-9 month program
Things to bring to treatment
Seasonal clothing. Closet space is limited. No more than 10 sets of clothing are permitted.
Toiletries: Toothpaste, toothbrush, non-alcohol mouthwash, shower shoes, soap, razors, cosmetics and sanitary napkins.
Clothes Hangers
Towels and wash clothes
Shorts and either V-neck or crew neck T-shirts with sleeves for outside activities. Sleeveless shirts are not allowed.
Money to purchase needed items.
Important papers: SS card, birth certificate, driver’s license or ID Card, Insurance Card.
Non-internet capable MP3 players with no cameras. Music is allowed if the device has the ability to insert headphones or earbuds, for non-group times.
Items not allowed:
No drugs and alcohol, synthetic, illicit or unauthorized medications.
No drug paraphernalia.
No Valerian Root
No herbal supplements or energy drinks
No devices used to evade urinalysis, mouth swabs, breathalyzers
No travel size items or bottles
No Cellphones
No Bluetooth Headphones
No clothing displaying violence, nudity, vulgar or explicit language, drug and alcohol use, criminal lifestyles, or clothing that staff decides is sexually provocative.
No beepers, pagers, or other communication devices.
No bath salts.
No tattooing or piercing equipment.
No weapons or anything resembling a weapon including tasers.
No candles or incense are permitted
No hand-rolled cigarettes, chewing tobacco, cigars, cigarillos, open loose tobacco or rolling papers.
No patient may use or possess cell phones, beepers, pagers or other communication devices
No lottery tickets, dice, or gambling of any kind.
No visitors are permitted at any of the Jude House properties without approval from Clinical staff.
No loaning or borrowing of personal items is permitted, including money and cigarettes.
No pornographic material of any kind.
No stealing.
No DVD players, tablets, computers, iPods, with internet capabilities. Only non-internet capable MP3 players with no cameras are allowed. Music is allowed if the device has the ability to insert headphones or earbuds. Your music is for PERSONAL use only. Be respectful of others. Music and headphones/earbuds are not allowed during therapeutic groups; if the earpiece is seen during the group they will be taken. Only one headphone/earbud may be worn in the hallways and common areas. Bluetooth headphones are not allowed
FOOD- Snacks from vending machines are allowed in dormitories if they can be stored in a gallon-size storage bag and it is in moderation. No open food or drinks inside the community rooms during the therapeutic day. This is a matter of cleanliness. NO COFFEE or prepackaged food items are to EVER leave the dining facility area.
No outside food or drink is to be brought in from, passes, and or visits.
Please download the application and email admissions directly:
Initial Intake Form
To start admission process please fill out the form below